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El Proyecto Cadena de Valor Láctea Colombia - Nueva Zelandia, in partnership with Agrosavia, el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural and New Zealand Foreign Affairs and Trade Aid Programme

Produced by MFAT


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The AgriBusiness Group, as a leader of a consortia made up of AgResearch, PGG Wrightson and Quality Consultants of New Zealand (QCONZ) has been engaged by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade through the New Zealand Aid Programme to implement the Colombia Dairy Value Chain Project. This is a joint New Zealand Aid Programme / Colombian Government development initiative. This was implemented between 2015 to 2022

Our team in Colombia with New Zealand Ambassador Lucy Duncan

The Team in Colombia Then New Zealand Ambassador Lucy Duncan


The Project

The goal of this five year project was to support Colombia to develop a profitable and competitive dairy farming sector (high tropical zone) through widespread adoption of integrated management systems, developed and adapted from New Zealand and Colombia dairy experience and validated under Colombian conditions. The project was primarily focused on Colombia’s small and medium scale farmers in three regions of the Colombian high altitude tropical zone (Nariño, Boyaca and Cundinamarca) which share a similar pasture based dairying system to New Zealand.

The Project was developed and was being implemented in collaboration with Colombian Partners, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) and the main Colombian research agency AgriSavia.

The New Zealand investment in the project will be approximately NZ $4 million supplemented by the Colombian contribution of about NZ $1 million.


Good Practice Guides for Farmers

Our team in Colombia developed ten good practice guides to help support dairy farmers to adopt good farming practices and make informed decisions. Short videos accompany the guides.



10. My Farm, my Business: using Cash Flow to make decisions that maximise profitability

The tool is a cash flow designed to keep financial records on farm in a friendly way. It allows to calculate KPIs to evaluate the planning for farm development impacts.

Click here to access the Cash Flow tool


2021 Agrosavia workshops on the CDVC project and its outputs 


Guide to Extension


Financial tool for farmer milk processing associations


Project Term

April 2015 to March 2021


Partners and Key Personnel

  • Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

  • Corporacion Colombiana de Investigacion Agropecuaria (Agrosavia) 

  • With Consortia members AgResearch Ltd, Quality Consultants NZ Ltd (QCONZ), PGG Wrightson Seeds Ltd and other sub-contractors 


The Agribusiness Group’s Role and Contact


Further information

The project on the program “La Tierra los Animales y el Hombre” of Teleantioquia with the coverage of our DVC presentation in Medellín


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