What is carbon farming?

  • Conversion of poorer quality areas of steep land into a more productive land use of permanent or production forest (e.g. radiate pine, douglas fir, eucalypts, manuka or native trees)

  • pole plantings around steep areas prone to soil erosion (e.g. poplars around gullies, native riparian plantings)

The benefits to carbon farming systems

  • Diversified revenue streams, financial resilience and stronger farming business models

  • far greater returns on steep hill country than conventional farming

  • increased biodiversity (native or exotic tree species)

  • improved freshwater quality

  • reduced farm carbon foot printing

  • reduced nitrogen and phosphorous farming losses

Our carbon farming service

The AgriBusiness Group has partnered with a forestry company to bring a service that supports making informed decisions about integrating carbon farming into the farm systems. Our service package includes:

Contact us today for a free consultation

Dave Lucock

+64 27 258 0771
